The results of any investigation would be a "smear", "witch hunt", "hit job", "liberal whatever", etc etc and would be disregarded. So what, fstar, is the goddamned
point? It's alternative facts no matter what.
For f**k's sake we've already got a special counsel and lawsuits and investigations at basically every level of the US intelligence apparatus....but look how easily trump simply negates it all via twitter. Look how his deer-in-the-headlights supporters declare it all a big nothing,
even as the damned President of the United States crows on twitter about his indisputable power to pardon himself!!!!!!WTF!!!
And it's always, "Well, we don't really
know..." The ultimate limp dick copout.
Every step of this humiliating journey it's been the same, "Well, we don't really
know..." from these types. And yet the shit keeps piling up in such a regular cadence one can't help but suspect it was planned out years ago.