by The Dharma Bum » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:52 pm
Well it will be a bigger tragedy if the West tries to get stupid and stop this with military force. Given the history, Russia will not let go of Crimea without a fight.
There's another perspective of the region's history apart from the UKcentric "charge of the light brigade" mythology or the Cold War radical right mythology, and the fact of the matter is that at the time of the first struggle between the West and Russia over Crimea the US were staunch allies of Russia against the scheming of the various European imperialist factions that we call the European Union.
At the time the British and French empires that fomented the US civil war in the interests of maintaining control over the vast textile trade. If it were not for Russia's alliance with the US the British and French would have likely intervened in US affairs and regained their hold over their former colonies in the New World. Both the US Civil War and the so-called "Great Game" were separate theatres in the massive expansion of the European empires that occurred during the age of imperialism.
So, from the Russian perspective the US, a former ally in the , is helping the British, French, and German Empires combined in invading their domain in the new version of the Great Game.
They are not just doing this to be bastards. They are doing what is rational self interest on their part and it is childish to look at it any other way.