by Aaron » Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:42 pm
I got into a fight with a pack of butch lesbians one night at a Tegan and Sarah concert because I kicked their backpacks into the walkway so that my 5 foot nothing lesbian sister-in-law could see the stage. They were using backpacks to "save their spaces" in a standing room only concert. Completely retarded. When they came back, they started punching me in the back and calling me racist because I had a bladed head at the time. The concert actually stopped at one point and we got questioned by security. 15 minutes later during the concert I looked back and they were all gone. I don't know whether they got bounced or they just left.
It takes all kinds to be ignorant, but actual man haters don't exist in numbers big enough for anyone who's lived some life to comment on, let alone a wet-behind-the-ears douche with only a little empty credentialism to his name
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