I say it because older people control more of the wealth in the country than any other age group. Its a natural consequence of decades of investing and saving and paying down housing debt. If they've lived that long and not built up any net worth, well, ya, they're as hosed as anyone else in that situation, but mostly that's not the case.

I'd have to see a numbers breakdown, but generally the vast bulk of health costs come up later in life....by a large majority its spent on the elderly. I'm talking about the whole system, Obamacare included. Basically young people who are unlikely to have major health issues can skate by and save themselves thousands on health coverage, crossing their fingers they won't need it, with the intention of getting it later on when they might. This give them something of an edge, to get established and started in life, building to the point where they can actually afford health insurance. If we start forcing them into the system, they lose that, and are weakened.
Generally speaking, paying thousands of dollars a year for health insurance when your 26 is a waste of money. The people who need to be targeted are those few who can comfortably pay for it, but don't. Some double digit percentage of 20-somethings don't even have a job right now, much less any way to pay for insurance.
And I understand that if everyone pays in, they can theoretically lower the costs. But thats of little solace to some guy buried under student loan debt who's trying to scratch his way into the middle class so he can eventually get started on that slow march to death in a somewhat more secure manner.