I support it's removal regardless. The right to a tool is no right at all, it's fundamentally at odds with everything concerning fundamental rights or liberties. Saying you have a right to a gun is like saying you have a right to a hammer. Even if it wasn't harmful or intrusive, and even if i don't care if you have a hammer or not, a right to a hammer is fundamentally stupid and not a god given right like the other amendments in the bill of rights. There is not "right here". A gun is a tool and should be licensed for a privileged and responsible few just like every other deadly tool.
I'm fine with guns being legally owned at 1 dead a year or 1 million dead a year. I'm not fine with the right to own a gun, weather thats 1 dead a year or 1 million. It's not a fundamental right, period, which is exactly why the founding fathers never once mention the world "gun" in the second amendment, but they do mention a "well REGULATED militia".