Re: Fiscal Cliff
Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:40 pm
by Bill_in_Bethlehem
obama has asked for 1T+ in new taxes and spending
in return for 400B in cuts - to be decided later
it is a wholly unserious offer
nothing but more political gamesmanship from the manchild currently occupying 1600 penn ave
republicans have been fooled before by the Dem promise of taxes now, cuts later
they will not be fooled again
Re: Fiscal Cliff
Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:45 pm
by OGPhilly
Yeah, definitely seems that Republicans take the blame if a deal isn't struck. That perception could change over the next month, but as I said before, all their crying wolf about Obama being extreme and unreasonable over the last 4 years while it was them who refused to compromise is going to make that tough for them to sell. I think when push comes to shove that a lot of House members biggest concern is not going to be the specific details of the agreement as much as that they don't get blamed for letting us hit the fiscal cliff.
Not to mention, the business community crowd that makes up a lot of their donor base definitely does not want to see us go over the cliff.
Re: Fiscal Cliff
Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:43 am
by Dylan
I'm pretty disappointed with how Obama has handled this so far.