This is why these people are sociopaths.
Command our men and women like her father did, when he ineptly got 4,400 of them killed and tens of thousands more maimed and seriously wounded by invading a country under false pretenses and then botching that invasion so badly by having no strategy that it turned into a quagmire?
A guy who let his BFF Rumsfeld continue to run the war even though early on he was clearly incompetent and a bumbling fool yet Cheney coddled him until Bush tossed him out? Who then when on to give a speech at Rummy's retirement where he jaw-droppingly referred to him as the best SoD this country has ever known?
In most civilized countries the Cheney family would be outcasts and pariahs and publicly scorned for their record of failure and deception. In less civilized ones he'd be in prison for life or hung long ago.
Mind you, this is also the same Cheney who trampled Bush when he questioned tax cuts by stating that "Deficits don't matter."
Yes, let's get more of that in Washington. That guaranteed fail.