by Indy » Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:59 am
I was a big fan of Huntsman and would have easily voted for him. Problem is: he was the first one demolished in the primaries.
What's going to be REALLY interesting is how... Chris Christie fares. He was persona non grata with the TPM for not taking the opportunity to slam Obama after Sandy--a betrayal that will not be forgotten by many. Even Jeb Bush--who by most accounts if you were going to have a second Bush in the White House, it should have been him and not Dubya--will probably register as "soft" when we're talking about Birthers and people who are foaming at the mouth.
Save for Christie--who is not without flaw--the current oft-mentioned 2015 candidates are depressing: Santorum, Rand Paul, Rubio and the Bachmann-esque Ted Cruz, who's never thought of a stupid thing he didn't say.
So this puts us right back to square one, where you have a GOP that is simply imploding and an unchallenged Dem party, which means we have sad-sacks like Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc.--whose only ideology seems to be "We're not as crazy as them."