It's grade-A race-baiting, something that has always been a thinly veiled mainstay of Limbaugh's schtick but now he can barely hide it--although, like he really ever tried.
What's funny about people like you is that a) you defend a slimy piece of sh*t like this and then b) whip out the excuses which are always the same:
-I'm lying
-I'm "exaggerating"
-He's just an "entertainer"
-I'm taking him "out of context"
That's the funny part. The sad and pathetic part is that not only are you making excuses for his obvious race-baiting and racial stereotyping and demeaning of black people, you're trying to turn it around and claim I'm victimizing him by "exaggerating"--which means you're either a) acting as a lackey for him or b) you've got your head just that far in the sand where you can't pick up the screamingly clear message.
Seriously, where can I sign up for all this? This kind of quality political thinking, which you defend? I can't wait to get started. Really.