by Indy » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:19 am
Where is the substantive opinion here? Nothing but a troll thread, can't even get one sentence in without the mildewed "messiah" smear coming out.
Well I guess we see what the next fauxrage topic du jour is going to be, since it's not about governing, it's about endlessly throwing feces around your cages as you rage about the "messiah" and how much you hate "gubmint."
Question: seeing that people like you wanted to strangle the ACA in its crib, you now feel qualified to offer your opinion on how it should be run?
Holy f*** the hypocrisy is just astounding at this point. I wonder: do you people ever do anything except sit around and bitch all day about how much you hate him? Have you any solutions at all? Any ideas? What problems are you solving?