by Medius » Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:51 pm
Get rid of them. Regulation is little more than a liability shield in may industries, not to mention, protection against competition.
For a lot of these things, you don't need regulation, you simply make the disaster far more expensive than the practices that avoid disaster.
For instance, with an oil spill. You pay the entire cost to clean it up, then to clean up the crap you used to clean up the oil. Then you pay to ensure there is no algae bloom and to repopulate any impacted wildlife.
If you spew poison into the ground water and kill people, you automatically pay a fixed and high fee for any deaths that are attributable to your poison. You pay to clean it up. You pay to relocate anyone in the affected area.
If in any instance, such damage was done knowingly, you go to jail. No corporate shield. All damages come first out of your personal finances and then from the company.
You make doing the wrong thing more expensive than doing the right thing.