by Indy » Mon May 19, 2014 1:53 pm
The real question is why the poster boy for incompetence and failed leadership and strategy militarily is even giving his opinion, and even more so why people are asking him on their shows?
Just to give you an example, he said that Hillary "Must be held accountable" for the four deaths in... wait for it... wait for it... Benghazi.
This, coming from the man who did everything he could to thwart an investigation into 9/11, refused to testify under oath, refused to testify ALONE and was held accountable for nothing.
Then, he trumps up a war with bogus intel and by shamelessly tying it to 9/11, gets over 4,400 Americans killed and at lowest count 37,000 Iraqis and there's no investigation into that and... nobody is held accountable.
He's the textbook example of a staggering hypocrite, not to mention a sociopath.
As far as the 10 commandments goes, alarm bells always go off when an ideological sect blames all the problems in the world on one group of people (sound familiar?) while at the same time portraying themselves as victims (sound familiar)?
You also point out the FUBAR situation we're in now: the GOP is absolutely insane and intent on destroying the country in order to save it, whereas the Dems are just... worthless. But not the GOP.