UK has the best health service, US worst
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:19 pm
The NHS has been declared the world's best healthcare system by an international panel of experts who rated its care superior to countries which spend far more on health.
The same study also castigated healthcare provision in the US as the worst globally. Despite putting the most money into health, America denies care to many patients in need because they do not have health insurance and is also the poorest at saving the lives of people who fall ill, it found.
The report has been produced by the Commonwealth Fund, a Washington-based foundation which is respected around the world for its analysis of the performance of different countries' health systems. It examined an array of evidence about performance in 11 countries, including detailed data from patients, doctors and the World Health Organisation. ... nhs-health
Yet more proof that universal health care is superior to the privatised system.
Where does the US healthcare ystem go from here? Obamacare does nothing to bring state funded universal healthcare to people.