For those of you who miss watching John Walsh doing his ride-alongs during AMW's reign, or puffy Steven Seagal pretending to be a cop on his "reality" show, we have an even more disturbing/WTF incident:
Here's Texas governor Rick Perry posing with fascist Sean Hannity at the Texas/Mexico border, in front of a mounted machine gun which apparently they're not afraid to use to shoot... those kids crossing over the border? BTW love the flack vests. I'm sure those Guatemalan 12 year-olds are armed with AKs.
You have to marvel at this on so many levels, but we'll start with the political one: obviously somebody like Sean Hannity could give a toss about what non-white people think of him or his views. Yet Perry--who aspires to run for president--WTF is he thinking, what message does he think he's sending to the millions of Latino voters in the U.S.? The millions of Latinos the GOP desperately needs (and doesn't have) to retake the White House?
"Hey, here's how we deal with them f***in' wetbacks--with hot lead!" Holy crap. Are you simply writing off the Latino vote (and remember his state has a ton of Latinos--the third-largest in the entire U.S.).
Second: isn't this all really moving beyond politics at this point and into just full-on incitement? You may recall that Hannity was all over the Bundy Ranch potential-Waco, even going so far as to bait the Bundys on-air with his fantasies about what will they do if the feds "Come in the night" (as he was coming in his own pants)--basically egging on these clowns to get into a fatal shootout with federal officers. From a guy who can't get enough of taking pictures of himself with soldiers and cops.
For how many weeks now have we been bombarded by inflammatory rhetoric from these bozos and the rest of the GOP about the border "crisis" and how that goddamn communist Obama better do something about it (which he just did BTW), which has morphed into some pretty ugly incidents like those people confronting that bus because... they want to vent their rage at those brown people?
I thought we were all supposed to be outraged about the IRS "scandal" this week? But this week it's those kids and if you recall, presidential hopeful Perry was on the talkers last weekend floating his conspiracy theory--also pimped around the Hannity-sphere--that this was an organized plot by Obama to smuggle thousands upon thousands of... kids... into Texas via Mexico?
And now we know what presidential hopeful Rick has in store for those kids, apparently. Machine gun fire. Eat my patriotism, you little shit Honduran teenagers seeking a better life!
Ratchet, ratchet, ratchet up the fear. The hate. The xenophobia. Keep pushing people towards their guns. Keep pouring the gasoline on. Keep pumping the rubes full of notions that the N-word president is destroying their country (also this week: he should be impeached!) and dammit what are you gonna do about it, whitey? You gonna continue to sit back and let them Mexicans and Muslims and gays and you-know-whos led by the thug (code word alert!) Obama destroy your country?
How is this even politics anymore? Or a "Republican" ideology? This is at best Ted Nugent-ism (a combination of racism/xenophobia/gun fetishism/extreme right wing dementia/nationalism) and at worst the kind of shit that people go to post about on Stormfront.
Somebody's going to end up doing something really, really bad. At which point of course people like these two buffoons will claim they had nothing, n-o-t-h-i-n-g to do with it and why they're, in fact, now the victims of the... wait for it... liberal media.
These people need to dial it back--way back. And also stop thinking the answer to every problem in the world is bullets and bombs. Right now they'd have us invading both Iraq AND Mexico if they had their way.