Re: Zero Credibility No Longer a Political Liability
Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:11 pm
by Philly
Why do you get so worked up that a small bubble of people on tv stations that nobody watches regurgitate perpetual bullshit? It's been well documented and going on for years. To be ranting and raving about it in 2014 like it's some new epidemic is some groundhogs day shit.
But it seems to me that you are buying into one inaccurate myth: that any of it matters. Note in the first sentence when I said that nobody watches these shows. Go look at the ratings. It's the same 1% of the population watching this garbage night after night. The rest of the country doesn't care about these little bubbles of alternate reality and does not engage. This is more or less a boutique entertainment industry for the delusional at this point and not the major societal crisis that many are trying to make it out to be.
Re: Zero Credibility No Longer a Political Liabilit
Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:25 pm
by Philly
Tim the linked article: Rick Santelli, whose rant on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is credited with starting the Tea Party movement, exploded at co-panelist Steve Liesman today after he told him that Santelli has never been correct about anything.
LOL. The Tea Party movement was a well funded, well organized political movement stoked by professional operatives all over the country. Either that or apparently this clown on cable news made a rant and everyone sporadically started waving Gadsden flags around and voting incumbents out of office.
How can you not see what's going on here? It's a game within a game. The media reports on itself to give you the illusion that these talking heads actually matter, and so far you've bought it hook line and sinker.
Re: Zero Credibility No Longer a Political Liability
Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:38 am
by eynon81
Are you saying the the Dick Cheney stuff is planned simply to get a rise out of people?