the white man has such a problem with anything coming close to being self congratulating and labels it narcissism and claims all narcissism is bad, and so the rest of the world then just gets lowered expectations and we refrain from judgement. when someone does start judging other westerners get really mad and then start yelling at that person and trying to find out ways they are a hypocrite and then ignores how islamic people the world over overwhelmingly support the beheading of people for "crimes" like apostay, or how they perform genital mutilation on girls. we end up talking about how some fat bitch on tumblr got triggered by someone holding the door for her
post modernists think of lack of objective space in which to judge. post modernists should live in hobbit holes and never use transportation because there are truths that are not subjective, like gravity, but they refuse to believe in such nonsense. i think a lot of the world, namely, africa and the arab world, is barbaric. but what should we even do about it is the question you're asking. the western world has done it before, bringing civilization to the uncivilized. it was called colonialism, and it was a smashing success at the time. we should do it again