Re: Pentagon begs for end to Cuts
Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:16 pm
by Indy
I'd like to see what they're spending the money on before deciding to give them more/stop cutting.
Because I get the sense a huge chunk of the budget is going to various things that have no relevance to the kind of wars we're fighting/will be fighting.
I seem to recall a desert somewhere here full of all these tanks we'll never use, or something to that effect (on some news program).
Re: Pentagon begs for end to Cuts
Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:16 pm
by eynon81
he needs to shut the f**k up:
US Military Budget in 2013 was 640 billion ... pendituresUS Military Budget in 2015 is projected to be 756.4 ... budget.htmthe Chinese (or emerging threat) spend 2% of their GDP on Defense...we spend nearly 4%. trim the fat you welfare queens.