Re: Single Payer Healthcare Unsustainable
Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:50 pm
by The Comrade
single payer isn't the problem. the problem is that healthcare costs are astronomical. so until that industry is regulated so blood tests don't cost 600 dollars there isn't any system that is going to work.
Re: Single Payer Healthcare Unsustainable
Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:56 am
by Indy
If I have to listen to one more person go on about how everything will be Utopia if we just make everything "free market," I'm going to hurl.
Yes, that's our solution--to everything. Because that will drive costs down, of course. Just like with your cable company. Remember? the 1996 Telecom Deregulation act? Consumers will win! More choices! Lower prices! Companies will be forced to compete!
How's that working out since?
How did that unregulated Wall St. turn out? You know, the one where fraud couldn't exist because the "free market" would eliminate it?
How'd that go?
A poll came out this week showing that most Americans want Obamacare to remain or be modified/improved. We need to deal with healthcare in this country once and for all and quit using it as a political football. Single payer seems like the simplest solution but again, medical costs are the monster here. Fine. So come up with some sort of a hybrid system that deals with that. But do something.
And "something" doesn't mean: scrapping Obamacare with nothing to replace it and then lying about how you're going to "study" this... forever.
It also doesn't mean delusional happy talk about how we just need to free-market this beeyotch and yay! We win!