by Indy » Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:24 pm
Yeah that's the point: no matter how right the NYT may be, it's the New York Times. I'm anticipating a full night of FOXrage condemning the NYT as anti-American, helping the enemy and all that kind of shit, probably with a Benghazi thrown in at least once.
Obama's never going to push for anything to happen either.
You know what's so odd? I'm talking Cheney here--this is the least of his crimes. The man literally pushed us into a war under false pretenses that cost us 4,400+ American lives, trillions of dollars, our world image and made us exactly zero safer. In most countries a guy like that would be in a cage and a social pariah. Not here, though, where Party members defend him to the death and the MSM airs his views as if they're even remotely reliable.
But then yeah, there's this too and the sociopath is openly defiant about it, spraying spittle with his cocked head as he even goes so far to say that he'd do it all over again. And the MSM just... reports it.