I can't handle anymore!
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:47 am
I've finally lost it. I'm off my rocker. This government and everything it stands for is a joke, and has been for a while.
Every administration that takes office does the same thing; fight the other side. Politicians on either side aren't picked by their party for intelligence, character, or any other meaningful denominator. They're picked according to how likable they are, and how many voters they're likely to bring in. And if elected, their primary job is to fight off the next guy.
What's the d*** point?!? Nothing changes, nothing matters. Every administration screws the little guys. Every d*** one!
And US? The so-called informed voters, the forced majority that decides everything? We're the most guilty of the bunch. We don't vote for progress, or vote for what's right. We vote for our own best interests. Ask around, it's all anyone can talk about on either side. "I voted for Obama because he said he'd give me free health care." "I voted for Romney because he said he'll repeal Obamacare." Etc, etc.
What happened to demanding more from our politicians? What happened to insisting that the person RUNNING OUR COUNTRY have enough intelligence to debate an informed audience adequately? What happened to caring if your leaders are liars? Really caring, not getting offended until Real Housewives comes back on.
Are we really all just sheep, uncaringly following the leader, even though he's just leading us to the slaughterhouse? At what point do we stop, and ACTIVELY work on fixing the problems?
The real problems in this country aren't abortion, gay rights, economy, or even uniting the people. The real problems are the crisis of leadership, the disconnect between the folks in Washington and the citizens, and the super-sized attention we adorn the celebrities with. I'll eat dirt when Washington announces a candidate that platforms their campaign on fixing those issues. Thankfully for my fervent desire not to eat dirt, that's not in danger of happening.
In short, folks, what are we doing? We built this website, and countless others, to discuss the topics we've been spoon-fed by Washington. We debate, occasionally violently, one another on issues that are trivial in comparison, yet whimper at the thought of fighting these issues.
I say, with this next election, we should start an Occupy Washington movement, and let them know we have had enough of the same old crap. It's time for a vote of no confidence in Republicans and Democrats.
Every administration that takes office does the same thing; fight the other side. Politicians on either side aren't picked by their party for intelligence, character, or any other meaningful denominator. They're picked according to how likable they are, and how many voters they're likely to bring in. And if elected, their primary job is to fight off the next guy.
What's the d*** point?!? Nothing changes, nothing matters. Every administration screws the little guys. Every d*** one!
And US? The so-called informed voters, the forced majority that decides everything? We're the most guilty of the bunch. We don't vote for progress, or vote for what's right. We vote for our own best interests. Ask around, it's all anyone can talk about on either side. "I voted for Obama because he said he'd give me free health care." "I voted for Romney because he said he'll repeal Obamacare." Etc, etc.
What happened to demanding more from our politicians? What happened to insisting that the person RUNNING OUR COUNTRY have enough intelligence to debate an informed audience adequately? What happened to caring if your leaders are liars? Really caring, not getting offended until Real Housewives comes back on.
Are we really all just sheep, uncaringly following the leader, even though he's just leading us to the slaughterhouse? At what point do we stop, and ACTIVELY work on fixing the problems?
The real problems in this country aren't abortion, gay rights, economy, or even uniting the people. The real problems are the crisis of leadership, the disconnect between the folks in Washington and the citizens, and the super-sized attention we adorn the celebrities with. I'll eat dirt when Washington announces a candidate that platforms their campaign on fixing those issues. Thankfully for my fervent desire not to eat dirt, that's not in danger of happening.
In short, folks, what are we doing? We built this website, and countless others, to discuss the topics we've been spoon-fed by Washington. We debate, occasionally violently, one another on issues that are trivial in comparison, yet whimper at the thought of fighting these issues.
I say, with this next election, we should start an Occupy Washington movement, and let them know we have had enough of the same old crap. It's time for a vote of no confidence in Republicans and Democrats.