Wow, what an idiot.
I'm surprised HuffPo gave him the bytes.
Yeah, mocking Holocaust and 9/11 victims is the same as cartoons about Mohammed--riiiiiiight.
You know what I'm tired of? Clowns like this who are offended 24/7. Muslims like him have a never-ending set of grievances which they use to justify everything, including executing people for drawing cartoons of Mohammed which nobody can conclusively prove is outlawed by Islam anyway. If it's not that, they're upset about snowmen or Selena Gomez's f***ing ankle exposed in Dubai or some other perceived slight which all comes back to their never-ending claims of victimhood.
Which is ironic, since jihadists are literally competing with each other since 9/11 to rack up the most innocent victims, whether it be ISIS, AQ or now Boko Haram--who are winning by a longshot.
If your religion can't tolerate those who would make fun of it then your beliefs are worthless.