by Giant_Enemy_Crab » Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:39 pm
I honestly struggle to make out any discernible point amongst your badly stylized propaganda.
I mean what are you even against here, actually doing something against danesh? or just REPUBLICANS BAD? Because you know, thats some cutting edge political commentary right there champ.
And yeah. lets be blunt here. The Pashmerga are pretty romantic and shit, but if they and the HEAVILY Iranian backed Iraqi army were capable of holding or taking territory there would be more of that going on.
Either the highly publisised assault on Mosul (coming this summer!) is going to retake the city, or it'll be the start of the final collapse of the Iraqi forces.
And then if you like your Middle east not starting to have the beginnings of a formal unitary f**k salafist state in it, yeah Nato is going to have to stop this war fatigue bullshit and do something about it because its becoming i'd hope by now, clear that these guys are surprisingly well led and have ambitions to turn the entire Muslim world into some sort of totalitarian nightmare.