Re: Obama to Putin: I wipe my ass with Russian Bonds
Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:39 am
by Spider
Obama gets half the credit. The rest goes to EU sanctions and a miraculous oil collapse.
Re: Obama to Putin: I wipe my ass with Russian Bonds
Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:42 am
by eynon81
the Empire can go after him full "soft" bore due to a lack of economic entanglement. (with the US anyways)
Re: Obama to Putin: I wipe my ass with Russian Bonds
Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:17 pm
by Spider
Russia needs to sell it more than Europe needs to buy it. If Russia closes the valves, they accelerate a death spiral. Europe on the other hand has to eat a nasty price increase. Plus it just erodes Russian market share as everyone rushes to develop alternative sourcing, such as Lithuania and their new LNG import terminals. Russia doesn't want to accelerate the growth of alternatives to a gigantic export. Unless they go nuts completely.
Eastern Europe is where the real vulnerability lies.
Re: Obama to Putin: I wipe my ass with Russian Bonds
Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:45 pm
by The Dharma Bum
Putin does seem to be outmanuvered, at least for the moment
well played barry o