Re: DHS: Beware Of White-Wing Nut-Jobs!!
Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:54 pm
by Dylan
I couldn't find the report in the 30 seconds I spent googling. But if it specifically says "right wing" I think that's probably unnecessary. Just say sovereign citizens. Why give the read meat to the GOP?
Re: DHS: Beware Of White-Wing Nut-Jobs!!
Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:07 pm
by eynon81
it begins.
well, it's actually already begun but this just keeps the begin'ining going.
btw....had a bunch of clients that are Sovereigns. they came in all kinds of skin tones and were certainly not terrorists.
also Shaman's hard-on over this exposes his true colors.
Re: DHS: Beware Of White-Wing Nut-Jobs!!
Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:11 pm
by spacemonkey
The true color of terrorists is yellow. Since terrorism is nothing more then a sucker punch, and those are usually delivered by cowards.