Re: H.R. 699 - Email Privacy Act
Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:16 pm
by John Galt
wow, that's actually a thing. has it been challenged in court? it's claiming that the correspondence is "abandoned" because you received it so long ago, which is beyond ridiculous.
oh yeah, these letters i got over the past ten years? yeah even though i keep them all in this safe and every day i check on the safe and sometimes go through old ones, anything over 180 days is "abandoned" and sure, go rifling through it, it's cool
good news is i think it would have broad bi partisan support to fix this loophole. still, it's been around for decades.
Re: H.R. 699 - Email Privacy Act
Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:24 pm
by The Dharma Bum
ach, they already have far more data than there are people to analyze or act on any of it. total informational awareness is pretty much here but it is so overwhelming there's no way to really do anything with it.
i doubt they have a team assembled to read peoples old emails. This legislation is just to make the population feel better about the security state that has emerged. Its not going protect anyone's privacy because they certainly won't give that capability up, they will just hide their snooping better.