Re: Why should you carry?

Not two weeks ago, I was walking home from the bar with some friends. There were about six of us. I was walking just slightly behind them, checking my texts. All of a sudden I was on the ground, feeling confused but not really hurt. As it happens, some dude came out of an alley beside me, headbutted me in the face, and then just kept on walking. After I got up, I pulled my friends off the dude, and we went home. I was none the worse for wear, other than a sore jaw.
The point is, even though I was attacked out of nowhere, and even though I was in a dangerous situation, I felt and still feel no need whatsoever to carry a weapon. These things happen, yes, but to respond to the insanely low chance of it happening to you by purchasing a firearm, and therefore introducing a whole slew of risks, is utterly ridiculous. It is also, IMO, the mark of a coward. The world isn't completely safe, but it's damned safe in North America, and carrying a gun around for self-protection is something I associate entirely with scared little wimps. Which isn't to say that all people who carry guns are scared little wimps... it depends entirely upon who you are, where you live, and what situations you expose yourself to.
But the average person, living at least a lower-middle class lifestyle, living in an average neighbourhood, has zero need for a weapon, and is in fact making things more dangerous for themselves by owning one.
The point is, even though I was attacked out of nowhere, and even though I was in a dangerous situation, I felt and still feel no need whatsoever to carry a weapon. These things happen, yes, but to respond to the insanely low chance of it happening to you by purchasing a firearm, and therefore introducing a whole slew of risks, is utterly ridiculous. It is also, IMO, the mark of a coward. The world isn't completely safe, but it's damned safe in North America, and carrying a gun around for self-protection is something I associate entirely with scared little wimps. Which isn't to say that all people who carry guns are scared little wimps... it depends entirely upon who you are, where you live, and what situations you expose yourself to.
But the average person, living at least a lower-middle class lifestyle, living in an average neighbourhood, has zero need for a weapon, and is in fact making things more dangerous for themselves by owning one.