by exploited » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:17 pm
I think restricting collective bargaining rights is a bad thing only because I'm glad that somebody is making some goddamn money these days. It seems that bribery, extortion, threats and sabotage are the only way for people to earn a living, whether they sweep floors or control Corporate America.
Unions are coercive, and because they are coercive, I oppose them.
I own a farm, I work way more hours than the average person, and alot of it is labour-intensive. So to say to me that my farm hands should be able to stop working and keep their job makes no sense. If I stop working, I don't keep my job, and neither do they. If they are free to come to me and say "Unless you pay us more, we are all going to quit," I ought to be able to say "I'm not going to pay you more, go ahead, quit." It is one thing to allow people to collectively organize, it is another to give them more power as a group than any of them have individually. The reason I oppose unions is the same reason I oppose "corporations" and "limited liability." Targeting one without targeting the other is useless; being "pro" or "anti" union misses the point entirely.