I want to start a discussion. We are about to be a in a tug of war, as most of us have seen. In the left side of the ring, we have Saudi Arabia. In the right, we have Iran. In the middle is the United States with a referee shirt on.
Lets take current scenerios.
- Saudi Arabia probably financially supports ISIS. We have seem them conveniently overtake Iraq, Syria and are now working on destabilizing Afghanistan.
- United States is a large supplier of military equipment to Saudi Arabia, purchases plenty of oil and is buddy buddy with the royals. We are also helping with their bombing campaigns in Yemen with a military blockade.
- Iran seeks to help prevent the growth of ISIS and continue with the destabilization of Yemen through rebel support.
- United States just signed a landmark deal with Iran to hopefully see them remove their nuclear program and grow as an economy with the removal of sanctions.
So, one would simply look at this and we could probably go original World War I style and play neutral (while sending weapons to allies) before getting involved directly. But it sure seems immediately after trying to build relations with Iran we are about to see us get into a heated issue. Our military is sitting in the water waiting for ships from Iran to bring weapons to rebels in Yemen. Will this become a big issue? Doubtful, I bet they will simply turn around.
This is putting us in a weird situation, because everyone has interests that conflict with one another, and it really boils down to a Shiite vs Sunni fight....once again. But what can we do? What do you think we should do. We are stuck in the middle between two people fighting, do we take sides? Do we continue trying to appease the other while helping the other?
We've put ourselves in quite a situation honestly. What should we look to do going forward? If we didn't make relations recently with Iran this wouldn't be an issue.
http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/convo ... ay-n345451