Non demands more states! We've gone over 55 years since the last one and I want to start expanding again. Probably not going to happen because just like during the lead up to Civil War certain parties within the US government don't want more states because it will upset the "political balance". Here's a list of acceptable new additions to our fine republic:
1. Guam and the other US Pacific territories (Samoa, Marianas, Yap) this would be the smallest US state (350,000 give or take), but well within constitutional requirements.
2. Cuba ... story.htmlthis should have happened long ago, but racism. lots of opportunity and their medical education system would benefit the rest of the country.
3. Costa Rica
already fairly integrated economically, culturally, etc. Be nice to be able to go there without a pass-port and buy a house if I wanted.
4. Colombia (can come in as 3 to 4 new states), because duh: ... n_Colombiareal patriots want this to happen.