This one happened to be killed by an American drone, which I'm sure will lead to some heavy investigations as to how it happened. ... 17292.html
However, I'd like to know what others think about the situation in general. Basically, this situation:
- American (or other Western citizen) travels to known hot-spot (terrorists, civil war, warlords, etc.)
- Citizen is captured/kidnapped and held for ransom (can be money, prisoner swap, or other concessions by the government)
Given that this person knowingly and freely put their own life in danger, and not as part of a government-sanctioned operation (ie: not military or intelligence), how far should our government(s) go to get them back?
My opinion is somewhat pragmatic. On one hand, they went freely and made a choice, and they should suffer the consequences. However, that ideal doesn't hold up well in the light of real life. They are not helping the "enemy", but are instead helping the people. A major side effect is that the populace may realize that "Americans" aren't all bad. They may not be directly helping the government or Americans, but in spreading goodwill, they are certainly working in parallel.
Until I hear other opinions (since mine may well change depending upon others' insights), I think that the government should talk with the kidnappers, and perhaps even offer non-warmaking (there is a term for this and I can't remember it) supplies, like food and medical supplies. But, no money and no arms.