Based on this and other discussions I propose to you that I am in fact the most Conservative poster on this forum, consider my stances and their conservative roots:
-Non firmly supports public education (*see Harvard College, founded as public university through the use of public funds in 1636)
-Non strongly believes in due process, even for the worst offenders (*see Boston Massacre and subsequent trial)
-Non believes in the rehabilitation criminal justice (*see Pennsylvania State Prison, founded 1790)
-Non is distrustful of militarism and an aggressive foreign policy (*Engineering was the primary subject taught at West Point until after the Civil War, *Washington's farewell address)
-Non avows a policy of reigning in large financial institutions (*see Jefferson and Jacksonian policy towards the Bank of the United States)
-Non wants the federal government to protect the human rights of American citizens (*see the bill of rights and anti-federalist party)
-Non perceives a more open immigration policy is the wiser choice (*see a lack of significant immigration restrictions until after the Civil War)
-Non holds that religion has a place in the public sphere, but a wall of seperation should exist between church and state (*the Danbury letters)
Behold Non, the true conservative. ... ted_States
- ... ted_States