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Hillary, why not? • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Hillary, why not?

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Hillary, why not?

Postby Kane » Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:22 pm

It's a simple question and one that reflects the lack of appealing candidates for the Presidency but it's salient nonetheless,

Why wouldn't you vote for Hillary Clinton? Not as in a hypothetical but as you carefully examine her history as a first lady, senator, and Secretary of State.

I ask this because regardless of stated policies or intentions, she's the most experienced candidate we've had for President since GW Senior. In a relative sense, I give him high praise. On top of this, she has the support of her husband, once a President himself.

A couple things to clarify:

Foreign Policy: Clinton's position on foreign affairs as well as military action mirrors all other candidates. You can claim that some obscure Republican doesn't support war at all, wants to disband the standing army, etc etc but the frontrunners for the GOP will continue on with this position regardless (And potentially with more vigor). It's a point to make if you're voting in an idealistic sense but in a realist' world I don't see much of a difference among the candidates once they get into office, irrespective of what they say on the trail. The point is moot.

Neoliberalism: Trade appears to continue to be pushing through without ideological preference. The Democrats are the ones blocking the TPP right now and a new vote is expected soon. The thread here, debated vigorously I might add, highlighted numerous points but the bill's estimated effects on the US economy were minimal either way. It's largely a geostrategic ploy to counter China's rise in the Pacific (which we're now seeing pushback from in the form of heavy Chinese investment in South America). I say do it.

So what's really pushing you away from Hillary? And why is a Centrist such a bad idea?
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby eric » Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:49 pm

Honestly she's probably the best candidate experience-wise. I'll likely vote for her unless something crazy happens.
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby uebermann » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:41 pm

I wouldn't vote for Hillary for a few reasons at this point. She is way too "politician." Basically, its like voting the same person back into office again. I have zero faith that she will do anything different than Obama.

Issues that she'll likely keep the same:

Spying on citizens en masse
Nothing meaningful done about Russia
Torture tactics being used
No real commitment one way or the other in the ME
Supporting ME regimes regardless of how awful they are (because: oil)
No real changes on gun rights as in no actual meaningful way to start addressing gun issues in the US (and no, I'm not talking about passing gun control laws)

Not to mention way too much shady shit with her in general. I don't trust her at all and at this point I think we'd have more of the same instead which, at this point, I can't really say would be a good thing.

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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby uebermann » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:43 pm

I mean really if we are going to vote for Hillary, might as well get a laugh from the far-right by letting Obama take another 8 years so they can all say "see, we told you he was going to make himself Emperor of the US!"
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby Philly » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:56 pm

Considering our options, 8 more years of Obama doesn't sound bad. If you can convince me Hillary will really be Obama 2.0 she has my vote.
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby eric » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:02 pm

"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby Saz » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:24 pm

Hillary would make an awful president. Has she excelled at any of these jobs that you seem to think constitute experience? She was known as a shrill first lady, a grandstanding senator, and the secretary of state who oversaw the implosion of the middle east, while hiding government emails, and taking money from foreign donors.

Your foreign policy point is 100% bullshit. The current GOP frontrunner, Jeb "heb" Bush, will certainly take a more hands off approach to foreign policy, particularly in the middle east. Your trade point is also bullshit, as every major GOP candidate is in favor of these trade deals, it's only hillary again acting like a retarded politician and pretending she doesn't know what she thinks.

Eric these social issues are stupid anyway. Even the president won't be able to do much about the gay issue now, the country has moved and even reptiles know this. Abortion, who f**k cares man the states will do whatever they want, Roe will never be overturned though. Libs have gotten out of control with this social shit anyway, they need to be checked. I don't give a shit about caitlyn or what some f**k baker in f**k arkansas is doing for wedding cakes. Fix the f**k country and stop talking about your stupid feelings. Libs love to talk about rights this and rights that as they engineer an unprecedented state surveillance system, do absolutely NOTHING to check police powers, do NOTHING to end the war on drugs, and do NOTHING on immigration. The social issues are a ploy to lure in stupid voters, just like the republicans russle up easy votes from mouth breathing gun owners and bible thumping asshats.
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby Spider » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:48 pm

Sanders, even though as telegenic and interesting as a parsnip, could surprise.

I view Clinton much like her husband: Very nearly an ideal Republican. That said, she gets my vote by default over anyone the GOP has yet come up with this cycle.

Jesus. Another Bush. WTF, America?
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby fstarcstar » Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:01 pm

The sad part about Hillary is the pass shes been getting from the media. Shes had some questionable topics come up recently but the media wants to focus on Rubio and his wifes speeding tickets instead. Scary honestly.

We need to vet these people, she shouldnt be running for president and neither should Jeb Bush. The American people are stupid.
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Re: Hillary, why not?

Postby Philly » Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:15 pm

She's maybe the most vetted candidate ever by the media. She's about as well known as anyone running for president ever could be.
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