by John Galt » Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:18 pm
it's unable to meet the standard of "cruel and unusual" because it's not unusual. more people are in solitary than are executed, and execution is not unusual. i will say it is cruel though. languishing like that, which is what many people who decry capital punishment think should happen to terrorists like Tsarnaev (who, remarkably, apologized yesterday, before formal sentence of death). no, treat them like a human being and cut off their head quickly.
you want to know something funny? rick perry of all people closed three prisons in texas under his watch. i think we need to see more of that. yet, if america released all non-murderers and non-rapists today, we'd still have a higher incarceration rate than germany. personally i would like to see those people executed, but alas, we have to make do with what we have. what does one do to punish someone who is not acting in accordance to how a prisoner should act when they are already in prison for life? whipping? (i don't think whipping is appropriate for prisoners as i wouldn't want guards with that kind of power, it's an appropriate punishment in lieu of prison though)
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.