Re: ISIS Flag Raised in Lyon as Man is Beheaded

Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:18 am
by Dylan
I mean supporting bans on immigration of people from a specified religion is pretty KKK-like bro.
Re: ISIS Flag Raised in Lyon as Man is Beheaded

Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:38 am
by exploited
Sigh. After a decade of debate, you'd think we'd be at a place where we wouldn't have to constantly drop disclaimers. No, not all Muslims support violence. Yes, Islam has a very serious violence problem, with large percentages of Muslims supporting either terrorism, state atrocities, or theocracy.
I don't care about a persons religion, but if they don't believe in democracy, they aren't welcome in my country. You're free to worship whatever God you want, to have whatever religious beliefs you want, but if those beliefs include establishing religious law, you can stay the hell out.