Re: Confessions of a congressman
Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:02 am
by Philly
Hi guys,
I've never told you this before, but I too am a congressman. Won't say who or where, but just trust me I am. Anyway this article is bullshit. The author is making all of it up. Please feel free to direct any questions to me if you want the truth.
Re: Confessions of a congressman
Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:05 am
by Indy
One and five are my favorites in that they're the most destructive developments in our "democracy" that we've allowed.
We've decided that Big Corporations know best and Big Corporations are people, too and money from Big Corporations = free speech so by that very standard Big Corporations will always have infinitely more political "speech" than us peons.
And of course the whole revolving door scenario where we allow congresspeople and/or regulators of Big Corporations to use their alleged watchdog positions as merely stepping stones to lucrative lobbying or consulting gigs once they've sold us completely down the river during their term as "representing" us.