Exploited, everything you mentioned above already exists and is actually a proven failure a majority of the time. There are areas of Dallas where Habitat for Humanity, local government and other organizations attempt to build homes, provided cheaper housing, distribute local food banks and other items and yet there is still a larger homelessness population/ dirt poor Detroit style homes.
Just a simple walk into some of the poorest neighborhoods and meeting some of the poorest people in these places gives you the sense that homelessness can't be fixed with money or material items. Some of these people literally cannot function in a regular society, and I don't mean that in a horrible fashion.
Drug Addictions, Alcoholism, Mental Illness and Veterans we left on the streets are a majority of people homeless. I think decriminalizing drugs, and using the excise tax revenues for treatment instead of jails might help. Mental Illness, I honestly don't know what to do about it, but there are probably experts that know what's best. And for veterans, we already know we shit in their cereal, but nobody does anything about it. At some point it will come back to bite us. We need a formidable plan for low cost higher education and skills for the homeless or jobless to prevent people from falling far into poverty. Whethers that's from a government funded program or a local business that receives grants or tax benefits from the government. Building homes and providing shelters is only a convenience factor with a short term gain and mid-long term issues, we have to look at homelessness as a life-long disease.