Re: From the college that brought you Lena Dunham...
Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:31 pm
by Philly
I also saw that Oberlin students were calling the cafeteria racist because their Banh Mi sandwiches and General Tso's Chicken weren't authentic. They said you can't just take the food from another country and make it inauthentically because you're misrepresenting another person's culture.
What the f**k is authentically Chinese about General Tso's Chicken to begin with? These kids are in serious need of some actual problems to worry about.
Re: From the college that brought you Lena Dunham...
Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:51 pm
by eynon81
kinda related maybe but (many of) my african-american clients have become pretty awful since this latest round of sectarian brouhaha erupted last year. they're more or less 100% of my complaints now. recently had 2 complaints to the state bar (not acted on by the bar due to utter and complete baselessness) by 2 clients that I had been ineffective in representing one of these cases I walked him on 6 felony counts after a 3 day jury trial (made the DA cry) he was convicted of some minor the other case I plead my client to a six point traffic ticket with a waiver of extradition fees and credit for time served after he had been charged with 2 felony level acts of domestic violence. Guess this shit is spilling over into the real world.
I'm pretty much racist now and thinking about switching teams.