"Advice for girls: be loud and gross and take up space. Stop saying "sorry" and start saying "don't interrupt me". Stop saying "Because I have a boyfriend" and start saying "because I said so". Say "no" and say "none of your business". Take selfies and don't laugh at jokes that aren't funny. Be snide and sarcastic and wear your hair the way you like it. Help out other girls and be vocal about what makes you mad. Be masculine and feminine and both and neither and be unapologetic. Don't set aside your comfort for boys' egos."
Spencer McFarland posted this on Facebook. It's been shared 45,000 times and is receiving broad accolades from idiot millennials for its "strong" and "fierce" message.
Why are we encouraging people to act like dicks? When did acting like an asshole become "strong" and "fierce"? Laughable. Damn I hate millennials.