A carbon VAT

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A carbon VAT

Postby Supposn » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:55 pm

A value-added tax on carbon; a carbon VAT:

It’s feasible to value-added tax, (i.e. VAT) “carbon fuels”. I believe that’s the most feasible method of taxing carbon emissions among a nation’s population and its enterprises. We can tax all legally described products that we’ve objectively determine have substantial proportions of petroleum or coal integral to them by a flat percentage of the products' values.
Many people contend taxes upon sales rather than incomes are much greater burdens upon the poor.

[Commercial enterprises pass on all their normal expenditures onto their customers. Passing on “abnormal” expenses not experienced by their competitors would place them at competitive disadvantage. Exon passes on extraordinarily high penalties for pollution. Even when their legal costs and the costs of appeals are applied to penalties for their own wrong doing, they’re permitted to reduce their taxable incomes by deducting their legal costs as ordinary business expenses and the penalties themselves are such a tiny portion of their gross revenues].

The carbon value taxes would discourage our nation’s consumption of carbon fuels; but its revenue could be dedicated to augment the FICA revenue which is dedicated for purposes that are (proportional to incomes), of greater benefit to the lowest income wage earners and their dependents.

Respectfully, Supposn
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Re: A carbon VAT

Postby a777pilot » Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:47 am

That's the last thing we need, another tax.

Want to clean up the air, then join me in supporting massive use of thorium nuclear reactors. They are clean, safe, affordable and scalable.
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