And There Are Far, Far To Many Of Them
Sat Mar 18, 2017 12:58 pm
by skews13
As Poe once sang “You can’t talk to a Psycho like a normal human being.” People we are over the edge of the falls and spinning down the rabbit hole. It doesn’t matter what lunatic theory Drumpf exposes and sputters, his fan base with come charging out to defend, excuse, justify and rationalize it without hesitation, remorse, shame or a lick of common sense.
Trump himself isn’t the heart of the cancerous rot eating away at the soul of America. They are.
And there are far, far too many of them. ... iracy-cult
Re: And There Are Far, Far To Many Of Them
Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:03 am
by a777pilot
It's too vice to. You mixed your metaphors.
But nice try.
Re: And There Are Far, Far To Many Of Them
Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:21 am
by spacemonkey
The lack of using common sense is a major part of the Dem's dilemma.
Re: And There Are Far, Far To Many Of Them
Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:37 pm
by exploited
Well... I don't know about that. Conservatism is a necessary and needed part of democracy. Reigning in spending, promoting social traditions that bind different people together as one nation and being extra-sensitive to external threats are all valuable things provided by conservatives.
Ideally what would happen is that conservatives would perpetually exist as an opposition party. They would be able to exercise just enough influence to force liberals to work with them, but never enough influence to define domestic or foreign policy. In other words, conservatives are needed and appreciated as critics, but must never be allowed to govern, because they are utterly terrible at it and confuse their own failings with some sort of universal truth about government.
In the US, I think the best setup would be a Republican Senate, a Democrat House and a Democrat Presidency.
In Canada, the best setup is a minority conservative government.
Re: And There Are Far, Far To Many Of Them
Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:25 pm
by John Galt
the court should be the most conservative aspect of the entire government, not the most liberalizing
also conservatism as you say Spider is about maintaining status quo. common sense I would say is always conservative as it is shared by almost everyone, e.g., close the door when it is cold out. i bet jesus never closed the door though (he was born in a barn! HA!). it was crazy and new and liberal at one time i guess, around the time doors were invented i think