men should be forced to wear shock collars that females can activate when they start harassing women
frankly this has echos of The Satanic Panic
don't know about the Satanic Panic? in the 1980s it started with someone who, under hypnosis, claimed that she had cannibalized thousands of people in satanic rituals. like she was eating a person every other day apparently.
then all these other people came and said #metoo. it got to a point where people were legitimately thinking there were more ritualized satanic murders every year in the US than there were actual reported murders; at a police commencement address the speaker told them this (well, just the number of estimated satanic murders, which, if anyone bothered to check, was less than total known murders), and how it was imperative to stop. it was all melded with a panic about children being abducted (to be killed ritualistically in cults) that has caused today's generation to never go outside without adult supervision
the problem was there was no evidence of any of it, but people are only recently getting out of jail; they were convicted on recovered memories of children. it ruined innocent lives the weinstien thing is probably true, but it's quickly evolving into something where people are just piling on, even men. most of this is just trying people in court of public opinion rather than actual court. you're right harrasment and abuse and rape are all down but it's being made into a bigger thing than what actually exists. and hollywood is all fantasy anyway so it's hard to extrapolate the goings on there to the rest of the country: actors and actresses are actual sex objects; that's part of why they are getting paid and they all know it.
i think the biggest problem with harassment is that HR exists to protect the company not to protect the employee. as it is against the law it shouldn't be reported to HR. stuff that goes to HR should be like, "me and mike can't work together we just are angry at each other and its not productive". and there's also the problem of independent contractors (like, actors); they aren't covered under any type of law because it's not an employer-employee relationship, even if it is one of extreme differences in power. and there is what the law should look at, the differences in power. most powerful man in the world pressures an intern into sex? that should be illegal. president of a company looking to get independent contractors jobs by pressuring sex or forcing them to watch himself masturbate or whatever as a display of dominance? that should be illegal. now this of course can lead to someone having a relationship with another superior of some sort over them and then suing them when the relationship goes sour afterward, claiming they were pressured into it. yeah, it would. that's part of the point, to invert the power dynamic and give people serious pause