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The Trump administration leveled new tariffs on Chinese goods worth up to $50 billion in total. This is on top of the aluminum/steel tariffs and the subsequent retaliation by China on $3 billion worth of US goods. We export approx $140 billion worth of goods to China every year so this...could be pretty bad. Depends on what China does in reaction - they have communicated that they will respond in kind in a rapid fashion. So don't be surprised if a new round is released tonight that nearly cuts US exports to China by close to a third.
This is probably the dumbest thing Trump could do to his standing several months before the primary...but he's also always been consistent on this issue. Trump has always thought of protectionism - his interviews from the 80's and 90's show the same thing. So it's not surprising on those grounds but wow...nobody can control him right now.
I think a more prudent move would've been to cooperate with our European peers - formalize a free trade agreement with them, formalize the TPP, and then work within those groups to create a huge consumerist bloc that acts as a stalwart against Chinese abuses re intellectual properties and dumping. What say you all?