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Rothschilds pour snow upon Washington D.C.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 12:27 pm
by Supposn
Rothschilds pour snow upon Washington D.C.

Regarding Washington DC snowfall due to "the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters":
Unfortunately, I'm unable to bypass opportunities for telling stupid and/or bad joke; I empathize with councilman White.
I regret that members of the city's council should feel it was necessary to “public acceptably” appear to be taking councilman Trayon White's remark as to be his actual opinion; it undermines their own credibility or they're implying councilman White lacks intelligence.

If councilman White is serious, I, a Jewish teller of stupid and bad jokes am pleased to let his comment stand naked before cold public opinion.

Refer to .

Respectfully, Supposn