by John Galt » Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:43 am
r/politics is losing what is left of their minds
i went to dinner with my parents the other day. no politics, which was nice, but tonight i'm going to a hockey game with my dad. can already hear the conversation:
"so, this collusion delusion of yours must finally be shattered"
"i never said there was actual collusion, but russian interference, which is what the investigation was about, and any obstruction would have been trump wanting the interference not exposed because it questions his legitimacy"
"no i know you said it, son"
"you also said two days ago that i said 'i don't do coding for work' when it's been my job for 8 years, and i've just repeatedly told you i don't do tech support because you're friends with your IT guy and keep on bringing him up like you think that's my job, and i've told you over and over that i'm an engineer not some guy who restarts people's computers to fix them, so you should probably consider that you are not remembering this correctly"
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.