Because Trump tells the people they don't like to F**k off.
The poor white guy who just go laid off couldn't care less about Mexican immigrants, legal or illegal.
The Mexican who made it to this country and consider themselves American want to tell the kneeling black NFL players to stand the f**k up and show some respect.
The blacks who see young blacks being killed by the police think that it's ludicrous that America even pay any attention to gay wedding cakes.
The gays who think they are targeted by religious intolerance don't like the preaching of tolerance over Islams intolerance.
The Muslims who face attacks over their religion think that the problems the white guy who got laid off faced is minor compare to everything else that need to be fixed.
Clinton said, "I understand you because I too am poor, I too am Mexican, I too am black, I too am gay, I too am Muslim, I am one of you" And the people look back and say "No, you're not one of us, you are non of us."
Trump said, "F**k you, f**k you, f**k you, f**k you, and f**k you." And the people said to themselves, "I may not agree when he pointed at me and said 'f**k you', but I sure the hell agree when he said 'f**k you' to all the other f**kers"