by John Galt » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:15 am
my mother when i was growing up was very conservative, socially and politically. we were all raised catholic but after her dad died she had some crisis of faith and ended up in the baptist deep end. slowly but surely she got worse and started going to baptist services, which last for hours and hours. i got in so much trouble one time my father allowed her to punish me by taking me to baptist services. they forced me into a room with other children where they turned on the TV which was talking about the devilish lie of evolution. i hated every moment of this. my father finally put an end to it by telling her she was hurting the family, and, because a woman should obey her husband, she listened.
after this, my mom went back to college. she first got her graduate degree, then she got her doctorate. she became a professor of education for a decade or so (she now owns and operates a tutoring business). and this entire time what happened? she changed, politically and socially, to far more liberal. sure she might still favor pro-life, but outside of that? she has a pussycat hat now. my point is, that after receiving the requisite education to be a professor it deeply effected her views to become liberal... where is deSantis going to find these people to have more "intellectual diversity"? she got her graduate degree in Florida.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.