My time is short today so I'll try and keep this brief.
I have very limited free time these days and I have been able to spend enough of it on here to run things here they way they should be so I am going to open up this thread for discussion on who you guys would like to see as the main admin (or even co-admins). Essentially a "bossman" to direct the forum and run things here and keep it going, and hopefully even expanding/improving.
I will be around for as long as needed (within reason) to help with any transition but most important is to find a person (or persons) that will be fair and has time to dedicate towards the site.
Its also likely we'll need someone to help handle the backend as well, such as updating the mods installed on the forum, updating the site with the new releases, fixing bugs in the various themes, etc. I'd like to have a (serious) discussion here on who thinks who would be good for what.
So far, I believe Menson and Exploited have volunteered to take the reins as potential admins and Galt has volunteered as a coder. Nominations, ideas, etc, are all welcome but we need to keep it constructive so lets have the discussion be positive please. This isn't anything that needs to be done right this second, so don't think that the site is about to go down, as this is NOT the case. However, I do not want it to end up in the abyss like OGPCF so am working towards keeping things running as smoothly as possible.
Troll posts, insults, and other asshattery will be removed from the thread so don't even do it.
Ideally Admins/Coders:
1. Have a good amount of free time and want to spend it on the site, improving it
2. Don't have a track record of causing problems and/or issues with the other posters
3. Are trustworthy enough that you'd be ok with them potentially seeing data about you that a normal poster could not (PMs, IP addresses, etc)
4. Have the skills needed. PHPBB knowledge (admins) and php/sql skills (coders)
If anyone wants to volunteer themselves, that is fine - please let us know why you think you'd be a good fit. Listing of skills and such would be handy.