Wow. Some people.
When responding to a quoted post you do not place your own response within quote boxes. When quoting another poster you must make sure that their comments are contained within the quote boxes correctly. If you begin a quote with [/quote] it simply will not work. It looks like you're hitting the quote button on the post and then incorrectly typing in quote boxes in the wrong places. If you are this confused, probably your best bet would be to not hit the quote button and to instead simply copy and paste precisely the portions of a post you wish to quote and place them within the "post a reply" box making sure that the beginning and ending quote boxes bracket them in correctly.
Here is a demonstration:
Let's pretend the following sentence is a comment that you wish to quote and respond to:
Obama is a communist and I can't even spell my own name because of severe abnormal brain development.
What you are going to do is highlight the sentence, copy it, go to the reply box, click the quote function, because I do not trust your ability to manually type in the quote boxes correctly, and paste the sentence directly in the middle of the two quote boxes. You must make sure that the end quote box has the backward slash, that signifies the end of the quote box. You do not even have to manually type in the quote boxes. You simply have to click on the automated quote function that ueber programmed into the reply box options, it looks like a series of horizontal lines within quotation marks.
This is what the button looks like:
Simply click that and the quote boxes will appear for you. Then all you have to do is copy and paste the comment that you wish to quote in between the quote boxes. It is rather elementary.
Exchanging the brackets for parentheses so that you can get a visual, this is what the quoted sentence will look like within the reply box:
(quote)Obama is a communist and I can't even spell my own name because of severe abnormal brain development.(/quote)
Now, if you want the poster's name to appear in the quote box the initial quote box must be as follows (quote="poster's name here")(/quote)
I wouldn't bother with something as radically complex as that if I were you though based upon your performance thus far.
If you can't take it from here, you should probably stop directly quoting people.