You know what really piss me off? Every once in a while (quite often actually) the nation gets all worked up about some event, whether it's a political scandal, a discriminatory act, a misapplication of the law, or a murder. While I can understand the outrage, what I don't understand is the inconsistency. Often times, following the event, I would read about a similar and arguably more shocking event that happened early, that didn't make national news. Where was the outrage when that event happened?
Why does the other side always get preferential treatment by the media? Kid went missing? Well, that's a tragedy, but where was the media coverage when the kid of my race went missing? Someone committed a religious hate crime? Where was the media when a hate crime was against someone my religion? When the other political party does something intolerable, people just brush it off. But when the politicians I support does something barely scandalous, he/she is crucified for it. Is this fair? Why is it that the opposite race get to be racist all the time, but my race get's so many push backs when we just try to be fair?
Sometimes, I feel that the media is monitoring every event that I care about, and purposefully suppressing those events while letting the opposite point of view thrive. What's worse is the the public is so easily led by the media that they outrage over what the media tells them to, instead of doing what I do and look for the truth. And that is what I outrage over!