Because I oppose state-sponsored terrorism, tyranny, theft, murder, and interfering in people's lives, I cannot in good conscience vote for anybody who would commit any of those political acts. Since the nature of government is force, we must be very careful to whom we trust with leadership.
Since people are by nature fallible, and "man is a political animal", it is not reasonable to believe that there are any persons on this planet worthy of ruling over others. Certainly none of those who choose to run for office can be trusted with power.
The only path for a considerate, peace-loving, freedom-oriented individual is to refuse to participate in schemes that give power to politicians. Therefore, refusing to vote is the moral thing to do.
Being "out of the mainstream" is a good thing. The "mainstream" is where one is most likely to be run over by a power boat, eaten by a big fish, swept over a waterfall, and drowned.
I've been overboard in the mainstream of the Mississippi, and it's a tough place to survive. I've seen the mainstream of politics, and it's even rougher. Garbage floats by in the river -- but you aren't expected to vote for it. In politics you're expected to swallow it.